Hi, My name is DK Kim from Seoul Korea.
Now, I am working at the SK C&C one of the biggest IT companies in South Korea.
Thanks to the popularity of big data, the popularity of R language is going up alone with
the data scientist role.
I am also one of them who are interested in the open source based R language. Actually,
My interest had started from the Big data trend.
As everybody knows, the R is free software.
Everybody can download the R software from CRAN(Comprehensive R Archive Network) in the web homepage.
Further, If you will become a qualified level, then you might contribute R project someday.
I think, one of the main reasons that many people use R software might be an analytic purpose.
That's why, statistics background is necessary to become a R user.
Even though, I go along with this idea,I think anyone can also use R as an informative tool with a basic knowledge.
Because I studied computer science rather than statistics,
I've been reading many articles and video to understand fundamental principle of R function.
There are many useful website that introduce a R language or statistics.
However, most of them are very difficult to understand without statistical knowledge.
I'll try to make a series of R-study post that is targeting for beginner who are not major in mathematics.
Furthermore, I 'll try to show you how to analyze your real business data with R program.
Are you ready to study R language?
Just follow me we are going a have a really good experience.
I bet ~
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